Curriculum Vitae 🇬🇧

Mr. Stelios Kessanidis is a Technologist and Electronic Engineer, with postgraduate studies in Business Administration (MBA) at WSU, and in Distance Education (MSc in e-learning) from the University of Pireus. He followed doctoral research studies in the Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education of the University of Patras.
He has also completed courses in «Artificial Intelligence», «Μachine Learning» and «Human-Computer Interaction» from Stanford University, «Computer Technology» from HarvardX as well as lessons in «Developing Android Applications» from the Medialab of the National Technical University of Athens.

He is a member of the «Ιnstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers» (ΙΕΕΕ), and of Education Society, Communications Society, and of the commitee of IEEE of the University of Pireus. He is a member of the «Association for Computing Machinery» (ACM) at Human Computer Interaction section, regular member of the «Hellenic Association of ICT in Education» (ΕΤΠΕ), regular member of «Hellenic Network of Open and Distance Education» (HNODE) and consultant to the «World Association of Technology Teachers» (WATT).

He is «ambassador» of Greece in Scientix organization and works as external evaluator and consultant in several European projects.
He has more than 85 publications in conferences and magazines (national and international) and has been invited to speak on several occasions.

In the past he has worked at TAHACO company as head of the technical department. He established MAGIC company, that was dealing with the construction of machines and automation systems.

Magic Electronics products

While serving in the Technical Corps of the Greek army, he made a full study for the complete renovation of an “area service factory” with advanced technologies (recycling of warm air with ceiling fans, melting the roof snow with steam, army camp perimeter security with capacitive sensors e.t.c.), technology that began being applied in industrial buildings and army installations 20 years after.

He wrote articles in Technical Press magazines in the area of technology, informatics and satellite communications.
Concurrently he was responsible for the creation and operation of the Research and Development section of the company ERGON. He was behind the wireless part of PAN DRIVE, a project thats aim was to develop a system for route finding and direction of vehicles, before GPS systems existed, and when Commodore and Amstrad were used as computers in the cars.

Following this he acted as Technical Director to the Greek part of SAMSUNG, reaching the target of offering on site service within 24 hours and 100% repairment, without the need to bring the item to the main service installation.

For 15 years he was General Director of Gennadios School Publications, where he created the largest series of Greek educational software titles as well as other kind of software and books, some of them written or translated by him. During this era he was referred to as the «multimedia guru» of Greece.

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He created the first Greek Computer Game ever distributed in the market in full commercial box (Crisis in Aegean) for which even the foreign press wrote articles.

Crisis in Aegean

He won a MÖBIUS award for the creation of Gennadios Encyclopedia, which he developed in total and also wrote some of its articles.

Gennadios Encyclopedia

Several of the educational software titles he developed or of which he directed the development of, are used officially in all schools of Greece and Cyprus. He has also developed four of the software titles that were ditributed together with the «Student computers» at Greek Schools, and are available for free to all students (PhysicsChemistryPhysical Training and Religious Education).

He was involved as partner or coordinator in several European Union funded projects, eg MetaBOOK, or Math Write, (for mathematics and other subjects), a very early effort for the development of electronic meta-books for portable Tablet PCs with touch screen computers that do not use a key board or a mouse.

From April of 2008 until present, he is technical consultant at Nea Ekpedeftiria G. Maliaras, teaching Technology, Communication Technology, and research projects in high school and upper high school, and is responsible for the publications of the school. He also works as a consultant in other educational institutes, in the field of ICT, technology, blended learning and e-learning in education.

He is a volunteer for the Boy Scouts from 1974. Last years he was an ICT Commissioner for the Main Headquarters, an Administrator Commissioner, and vice Area Commissioner in Saronic Bay area.

Panagiotis Kessanidis in Passau (D).

He has a son named Panagiotis.  He is a student in the school of Information Sciences and Technology at Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Informatics and a student of Internet Computing at University of Passau (Germany). He spends his free time with Scouts, in computers or making videos and web radio streaming shows. He enjoys sailing, and was an athlete in Kalamaki Nautical Club.

PUBLICATIONS (after 2000):

Gialamas, I., & Kessanidis, S. (2017). Entrepreneurship education in young ages. Junior Achievement international program and EU policies. 3rd International Conference for the promotion of Educational Innovation. EEPEK, Larissa, 13-15 October 2017. ISBN 978-618-82197-7-9

Kessanidis, S. (2017, February 10-11). Motivation measurement in school population. A case study [Paper presentation]. 1st Symposium, Hellenic Educational System in International Environment. Alimos: Maliaras School.

Kessanidis, S., Gialamas, I. (2017, October 20-21). The importance of motivation in school achievement [Paper presentation]. 2rd International Conference for the promotion of Educational Innovation. Larissa: EEPEK.

Kessanidis, S., & Katsoulas, K. (2012, October 20-21). Application of Jigsaw method in Web 2.0 environment in secondary education [Paper presentation]. 9th Conference, Education in the era of ICT. Athens: E.E.E.P. – D.T.P.E.

Katsoulas, K., & Kessanidis, S. (2012, October 20-21). Detecting selfadjusting learning with the analysis of interactivity in technology supported school education [Paper presentation]. 9th Conference, Education in the era of ICT. Athens: E.E.E.P. – D.T.P.E.

Kessanidis, S., & Katsoulas, K. (2012, October 5-7). Method of collaborative assembling. Practical application in Web 2.0 environment [Paper presentation]. 4th Conference on Informatics in Education – CIE 2012. Pireus: University of Pireus. [chair]

Michalos, M.G., Kessanidis, S.P., & Nalmpantis, S.L. (2012). Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 5 (2) 30-34

Katsoulas, K., & Kessanidis, S. (2012, September 27-30). Utilization of wikis’ commenting and chatting tools for detecting self adjusting learning with the analysis of interactivity [Paper presentation]. 8th. Panhellenic Conference with international participation. Technologies of Information and Communication in Education. Volos: University of Thessaly.

Kessanidis, S. (2012, April 20-22). A modern asynchronous Internet service in use of education [Paper presentation]. 6th Panhellenic Conference of Didactic of Informatics. Florina: University of Western Macedonia, Pedagogical school.
This publication has also been selected for publication in journal of  “Themes in Science and Technology Education”.

Kessanidis, S. (2011, November 19th). To LMS or not to LMS? That is the question. FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) in education. Experience and good practices. Athens: National Research Foundation. [invited]

Kessanidis, S., & Papastamatiou, N. (2011, November 4-6th). Asynchronous Digital Discussions in educational process [Paper presentation]. 8th International Conference for Open and Distance Learning. Loutraki: Open University of Greece. [chair]

Kessanidis, S., & Papastamatiou, N. (2011, October 7-9th). Asynchronous Digital Discussions. A neglected educational tool [Paper presentation]. CIE2011-Conference on Informatics in Education 2011 (pages 510-519).  Piraeus: University of Piraeus. [chair]

Kessanidis, S. (2010, May 22-23nd). Blended learning in collaborated environments. Selected presentation of my Thessis (among 4 best of the year) at 4th Seminar of Theory, Application and Research for distance Education, Open University of Greece, Athens.

Kessanidis, S., Papaeleytheriou, A., Papastamatiou, N., Papadopoulou, A. (2009, October 17-18th). Facing learning differences through simple software of collaborated and blended learning.  6th Panhelenic Conference EEEP-DTPE, “School 2.0”, Kaminia / Pireus.

Kessanidis, S., Papaeleytheriou, A., Papastamatiou, N. (2009, April 24-26th). Blended learning, tool for improving learning differences. 1st Educational Conference “Introducing and using IT in educational procedure”. Volos: University of Thessaly.

Kessanidis, S., Papaeleytheriou, A., Papastamatiou, N. (2008, March 28-30th). Improving IT didactics with psychometric criteria. 4th Didactic of IT conference, Patras: University of Patras.

Holmes, B., Ferreira, D., Huet Silva, I., Paul Lynch, P., Kessanidis, S., Mannova, B., Ragiadakos, Ch., Leitch, R., Botelho Ribeiro, L. (2008). Guia para um ensino inclusivo e aprendizagem à distância. Edição: Luís Botelho Ribeiro e Editora Cidade Berço. Guimarães: Portugal 2008

Kessanidis, S. (2007, June 21-22nd). ABCD Project of Blended Learning (invited). Intercultural Communication, Business and Learning Competences (ICBLC). Graz: Austria.

Kessanidis, S. (2007, May 21st). The What, How & When of Blended Learning (invited). Intercultural Communication, Business and Learning Competences (ICBLC). Athens: Greece.

Kessanidis, S., Ragiadakos, Ch., Threadgold, J., Aikonen, R., Constantinou, C. (2006, September 30th – October 1st). Development and experimental application of a multimedia educational software of primary school mathematics with writing recognition. 3rd Panhellenic conference of science union for primary school teachers for ICT in education. Korydalos: Greece.

Leitch, R., Mannova, B., Kessanidis, S., Holmes, B., Lynch, P., Huet-Silva, I., Botelho, L., Ragiadakos. C. (2006, September 26th). Τhe SAVI project. Irish Seminar – national dissemination event, Tralee: Ireland. 

Kessanidis, S., Mannova, B., Holmes, B., Lynch, P., Leitch, R., Huet-Silva, I., Botelho, L., Ragiadakos. C. (2006, September 26th). Τhe SAVI projectGreek Seminar – national dissemination event, Athens: Greece.

Botelho, L., Mannova, B., Kessanidis, S., Holmes, B., Lynch, P., Leitch, R., Huet-Silva, I., Ragiadakos. C. (2006, June 26rd). Τhe SAVI project. L. Portuguese Seminar – national dissemination event., Braga: Portugal.

Leitch, R., Holmes, B., Mannova, B., Kessanidis, S., Lynch, P., Huet-Silva, I., Botelho, L., Ragiadakos. C. (2006, May 22-25th). Τhe SAVI project. R. Irish Grundtvig course – national dissemination event, Dublin: Ireland. 

Kessanidis, S., Asimelis, G., Christodoulou, J., Matsouka, K., Karatzi, K., Palmou, L., Logothetidou, S., Papaeleytheriou, N. (2006, April 4-6th). Physical education software for preschool education. Digital educational material. University of Thessaly. Volos: Greece.

Kessanidis, S., Asimelis, G., Christodoulou, J., Papaeleutheriou, A., Vlandi, E., Matsouka, K., Karatzi, K., Palmou, L., Logothetidou, S. (2006, April 6-7th). Integrated platform of software and digital material for preschoolers. 4th Panhellenic Conference for Physical Sciences in Preschool Education, Digital Educational Material: subjects of creation, didactic, utilization and evaluation. University of Thessaly, Volos: Greece.

Psilos, D., Xadtzikraniotis, E., Papastamatiou, N., Barbas, A., Bisdikian, G., Korobilis, K., Kessanidis, S. (2006, March 30th– April 2nd). ICT and teaching : high school physics, multimedia support material according to the new physics curriculum. 11th Panhellenic conference of physical sciences EEF, Larissa: Greece,

Holmes, B., Mannova, B., Kessanidis, S., Lynch, P., Leitch, R., Huet-Silva, I., Botelho, L., Ragiadakos. C. (2006, March 20-24th). The SAVI project. Presentation at SITE  [Society for Information Technology in Teacher Education]. Orlando, Florida: USA

Holmes, B., Kessanidis, S., et al. (2006, March 19th). Mathwrite: An Exploration of Touch Screen Mathematics in the European Primary ClassroomIn C. Crawford et al. (Eds.). Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Orlando, Florida: USA. (pp. 2254-2259). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Leitch, R., Mannova, B., Kessanidis, S., Holmes, B., Lynch, P., Huet-Silva, I., Botelho, L., Ragiadakos. C. (2005, December 13-17th). The SAVI project. R. Leitch, B. Mannova, S. Kessanidis, B. Holmes, P. Lynch, I. Huet-Silva, L. Botelho, C. Ragiadakos. UK Grundtvig Course – national dissemination event. Belfast, Northern Ireland: UK.

Botelho, L., Mannova, B., Kessanidis, S., Holmes, B., Lynch, P., Leitch, R., Huet-Silva, I., Ragiadakos. C. (2005, Novemeber 16-17th). Helping impaired persons – The SAVI project. Presentation at Jornadas Pedagogicas – Portugal. Gafana de Nazare: Portugal

Holmes, B., Mannova, B., Kessanidis, S., Lynch, P., Leitch, R., Huet-Silva, I., Botelho, L., Ragiadakos. C. (2005, October 24-28th). Visually impaired persons – The SAVI project. E-Learn International Conference. CA, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Mannova, B., Kessanidis, S., Holmes, B., Lynch, P., Leitch, R., Huet-Silva, I., Botelho, L., Ragiadakos. C. (2005, April 13-15th). Integration of visually impaired students. Poskole – International Conference  for Teachers and Teacher Educators. Moninec u Sedlce, Preice:  Czech Republic.

Psilos, D., Xadtzikraniotis, E., Papastamatiou, N., Kessanidis, S., Korobilis, K., Barbas, A., Bisdikian, G. (2005, November 26-28th). Presentation of views of the pilot structure of multimedia title for enriching subjects of high school physics. 4th panhellenic conference for teaching physical sciences an new technologies “Physical sciences, teaching, learning and education”, TEAPI, EKPA. Athens: Greece. p. 522-531

Holmes, B., Lynch, P., Leitch, R., Kessanidis, S., Huet-Silva, I., Botelho, L., Mannova, B., Ragiadakos. C. (2005, June 7-10th). A European vision for online training for teachers of vision impaired people – the SAVI project. Formatex, 3rd International Conference on Multimedia and ICT in Education.  (m-ICTE2005), Cáceres: Spain.

Kessanidis, S., Papastamatiou, N., Xadtzikraniotis, E., Psilos, D. (2005, February 4-6th). New technologies in teaching physical sciences. Views of a web-aware multimedia title for high school physics.  9th Common conference EKF-EEF “Progress and prospectives in physics. New technologies and didactics of physical sciences”. University of Cyprus. Nicosia: Cyprus, p. 117-127

Kessanidis, S., Ragiadakos, Ch., Konstantinou, Ph., Papadovasilakis, N., Papamichalis, K., Papastamatiou, N., Reich, K., Scheuermann, F. (2005, February 4-6th). Multimedia book in teaching and learning : elements of a project evaluation. 9th Common conference EKF-EEF “Progress and prospectives in physics. New technologies and didactics of physical sciences”. University of Cyprus. Nicosia: Cyprus. p. 128-135

Kessanidis, S. (2004, November 2-7th). IT in education. The Greek Experience (invited). BAHT Expo. Union of Bulgarian IT companies. Sofia: Bulgaria.

Ragiadakos, Ch., Kessanidis, S., Konstantinou, Ph., Papadovasilakis, N., Papamichalis, K., Papastamatiou, N., Reich, K., Scheuermann, F. (2004, September 29th – October 3rd). METAbook a proposal for a multimedia physics book. 4th Panhellenic conference with international participation. “IT in education”, ETPE. Athens: Greece.

Kessanidis, S., Ragiadakos, Ch., Konstantinou, Ph., Papadovasilakis, N., Papamichalis, K., Papastamatiou, N., Reich, K., Scheuermann, F. (2004, March 18-20th). METAbook : a multimedia, interactive electronic book of high school physics. Intermediate evaluation of its pilot application.  2nd conference of the union for teaching physical sciences (EDIFE) and 2nd symposium IOSTE in Southern Europe. Kalamata: Greece. p. 279-286

Ragiadakos, Ch., Kessanidis, S., Konstantinou, Ph., Papadovasilakis, N., Papamichalis, K., Papastamatiou, N. (2004, January 29-31st– February 1st). METAbook : a multimedia, interactive electronic book of high school physics. 10th Panhellenic conference of physics, EEF. Loutraki: Greece.

Kessanidis, S., Asimelis, G., Christodoulou, J., Matsouka, K., Karatzi, K., Palmou, L., Logothetidou, S. (2004, January 30th-February 1st). Intergrated software for preschool education. Physical sciences in preschool education. University of Cyprus. Nicosia: Cyprus.

Ragiadakos, Ch., Kessanidis, S., Konstantinou, Ph., Papadovasilakis, N., Papamichalis, K., Papastamatiou, N. (2003, June 7th). METAbook : first stage of creating a multimedia, interactive electronic book of high school physics. Partners’ meeting. Athens: Greece.

Kessanidis, S., Ragiadakos, Ch., Konstantinou, Ph., Papadovasilakis, N., Papamichalis, K., Papastamatiou, N. (2003, May 7-9th). METAbook: first stage of creating a multimedia, interactive electronic book of high school physics. 2nd conference for the use of information ICT in didactic praxis, Greek Science Union of ICT in education. Secondary education office of S. Cyclades. University of Aegean. Syros: Greece.

Ragiadakos, Ch., Kessanidis, S., Konstantinou, Ph., Papadovasilakis, N., Papamichalis, K., Papastamatiou, N., Reich, K., Scheuermann, F. (2003, May 7th). METAbook : a multimedia, electronic book of physics. Seminar “New technologies application in classroom”. 4th High School of Zografou: Greece.

Kessanidis, S. (2003, May 15-16th). Presentation of METAbook project (invited). Technical Assistance Office (TAO). Brussels: Belgium.

Kessanidis, S. (2003, July 5-10th). METABOOK. Evaluating the possibilities of e-books in schoolsInternational Conference on Computer Based Learning in Science, CBLIS2003. University of Cyprus. Nicosia: Cyprus.

Kessanidis, S. (2000, November 4-5th). The student of today, the civilian of tomorrow. 2nd Mediterranean conference of teachers users of ICT. University of Cyprus. Nicosia: Cyprus.

Kessanidis, S. (2000, November 4-5th). Creation of a multimedia software title. The Greek experience. S. Kessanidis. 2nd Mediterranean conference of teachers users of ICT. University of Cyprus. Nicosia: Cyprus.